Why A Black Girl Who Codes?

So, let’s just add a bit to the intro I posted yesterday. As previously stated, I have had a few blogs over the course of my lifetime with different topics. However, I’ve boldly decided to center this vlog on my life journey as a coder. Why?

There’s more to me than someone who just codes, as you’ll find that out soon when you keep reading. However, when I first came up with this domain I had just decided to venture into a career of software development. I previously had attempted to work as an associate producer for some years and quickly realized that it was not for me.

When making the decision to fully focus on coding, I honestly had a lot of doubts and fears. Comments from past co-workers and some relatives seared my mind with endless questions. Some of them being ‘Will I ever be good at this?’ , ‘Is this a waste of time?’ , and ‘What if I get so deep into this, and find out I chose the wrong thing?’.

Somehow I overcame these because spending time pondering questions I will never get the answer to (at the time) paled in comparison to going after something that will, by God’s grace, get me out of the previous situation I was in. So, to clarify, I had to put all my faith in God even if I did not know what would happen next.

If I sat there doing nothing, nothing would happen. If I did something, I’m closer to achieving that goal.

I didn’t put much thought or even much of a timeline, but believed eventually I will land the title of ‘software developer’ or ‘software engineer’ . I didn’t blog that journey while in it, but I suppose I can spend that time now.

Thanks for reading!

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