An introduction…

Hello there! This is my very first post on this site, but not my first time starting a blog. I actually am bad at continuing blogs. I’ve had an urge to start since high school but eventually came to the conclusion that I had nothing meaningful to say.

I also had various passions from lifestyle to fashion to commentary and none of them stuck. That’s why when I decided to actually create this site it took me three years to actually write something in it. My fear of not having anything worthwhile to say being one of them. Another, being that I spent the last two years chasing my goal to become a software developer and living in three different locations across the US.

However, today is different. Today, I decided to write my first post despite the fact that the front-end visualization does not look up to par, and despite the fact that I have no idea if anyone will read this blog. My goal is to write everyday about a black girl (yes that’s me!) who codes. I hope you stick around, because there will be another one of these bad boys tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!

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